Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Great GRO Game

The Big Move is turning out to have many analogies to The Global War on Terror. Both are frightening, present seemingly insurmountable challenges, and are without a clear exit strategy or end-game, i.e. there's no way to get from here to there without unacceptable amounts of blood and treasure, but now we are locked into it.

If our house is like the worldwide multifactorial complex societal ills that lead to terrorism, our basement is like Afghanistan. It is cold, largely inaccessible, and filled up entirely with obstacles to our success. That is, it is a huge mess. There are three storage closets not only filled up completely with stuff, but the big storage closet is not even accessible due to all the stuff piled up in front of it. Much of it is in boxes not unpacked from our move from Houston 3 years ago. It is where empires (of cleanliness) go to die.

We have a lot of stuff. I don't know how we acquired so much stuff; of course much of it is the kids, but I think the consumerism boom of the 1990s and 2000s happened to occur at a time when we had a lot of space. Now we have no money or space, and both are gonna get less as we go out West. This necessitates the Get Rid Of, by garbage truck, craigslist, and eBay.

I filled two black garbage bags of stuff to Get Rid Of today, and packed a large box. I then looked around and realized that I've maybe now dealt with about 1% of the stuff down there, not to mentioned in the house in general.

It's gonna be a bloody spring.

1 comment:

oliviao said...

Ugh, having done it a few times, I have the greatest sympathy - moving falls in the top 10 worst things to do with your time! That and filing - which I spent 10 hours doing today! I just figured out that I have every EOB I have ever recienved since beginning my private practise in 2000 - that's a lot of EOBs. I think I'll be doing a little GRO myself!